Survivor’s guilt is a painful part of grief after losing a loved one. This emotional journey can leave lingering questions—why did I survive? How do I move forward? This heartfelt reflection explores the complexities of survivor’s guilt, the weight of loss, and the process of healing. Discover how to navigate grief, honor memories, and find meaning after loss.
Are you seeing a real ghost or is it just your imagination? This article dives into personal experiences of paranormal encounters. The author considers rational explanations before drawing conclusions about these eerie experiences.
Assisted dying is a deeply personal choice, often made with the support of loved ones. This article shares first-hand stories from families who helped their relatives through the process of assisted dying. Explore their emotional journeys, the decisions they faced, and the challenges of balancing support with personal feelings. Learn how these stories contribute to the larger conversation about assisted dying and its impact on both individuals and caregivers.
- By Sophia Demas
It is life changing to believe with certainty that you are about to die. The fact that I am alive today and am sharing these experiences with you has prompted many friends to call both events miracles.
The Lakota Sioux leader Crazy Horse supposedly uttered the phrase: “It’s a good day to die” as he headed into battle. But that sentiment has been expanded to describe readiness, living without regret...
Bereavement—indeed, loss of any sort—causes many feelings, such as shock, distress, anguish, disbelief, and anger, a whole emotional roller-coaster. Our normal every-day routine is shattered, and we face the difficult task of having to rebuild life in a new way...
There is no doubt that grief can be exhausting, draining, and make one feel generally run down, so that coping with everyday things, such as work and looking after the home, becomes much more of a struggle than it would be normally.
- By Mark Ireland
It was a cruel synergist that moved me to explore life’s deepest mysteries. This had been my father’s path, but it was not mine—at least not until now.
Death, an inevitable aspect of life, is perhaps one of the most complex phenomena we encounter. It stirs profound emotions and existential questions, not just in humans but in many animals as well.
- By Sam Carr
Molly was 88 years old and in good health. She had outlived two husbands, her siblings, most of her friends and her only son.
- By Nancy Berns
From the breakup of a relationship to losing a loved one, people are often told to find “closure” after traumatic things happen.
Repairing broken ceramics with golden glue is known as Kintsugi. By highlighting the fractures, we can see the beauty in brokenness. Kintsugi is a perfect map to guide you through loss of a loved one and beyond.
The first time I reached past the sheer horror of the concept of death and wondered what the experience of dying may be like, I was about 15. I had just discovered gruesome aspects of the French revolution and how heads were neatly cut off the body by a Guillotine.
There were times when my mother's needs felt like a bottomless pit and an endless parade of critical events. In spite of how much I loved my mother, I often felt overwhelmed and trapped.
There were times when my mother's needs felt like a bottomless pit and an endless parade of critical events. In spite of how much I loved my mother, I often felt overwhelmed and trapped.
In October 2018 he expressed his wish, using gestures, to return to the temple in Vietnam where he had been ordained as a young monk. Devotees from many parts of the world had continued to visit him at the temple. Thich Nhat Hanh in a wheelchair at the Tu Hieu pagoda in Hue, Vietnam, in 2018.
Many of us have experienced the deaths of our animal friends, and the Covid-19 situation has made it all harder. Our animal family members may have been our primary support, companionship, and connection during this time, making the loss of these beloveds even more difficult.
When I look at the trees in my garden, I see how they fully express life in their changing seasons. The wind blows and they surrender.
When I look at the trees in my garden, I see how they fully express life in their changing seasons. The wind blows and they surrender.
The pandemic brought the longstanding issue of loneliness and isolation in the lives of older people back into the public consciousness.
The pandemic brought the longstanding issue of loneliness and isolation in the lives of older people back into the public consciousness.
Most people are so strongly habituated to death denial that when death appears they are caught entirely by surprise. Overwhelmed and confused, they tend to miss out on the extraordinary opportunity for peace and resolution that is inherent in the dying trajectory.
When my boy died, I had no belief that the dead could talk to us. At best, they seemed gone in another world, separated by loss and the deafening thunder of our grief. But then Jordan started speaking to me...