- By George Lizos
Balancing feminine and masculine energy is key to manifestation and personal growth. This article explores how to activate your feminine energy through creativity, surrender, and mindfulness—helping you align with Source and attract inspired action.
Discover the transformative power of quantum intentions to manifest abundance and rewrite your past. Learn how visionary intentions can help reshape your reality and unlock a brighter future with a simple, empowering process.
Learn how human ethics principles can help us stand against bigotry and racism, resist harmful policies, and build a society rooted in equality and justice.
Discover the heartwarming story of how a simple belief in miracles led to winning a raffle turkey at a local market. This narrative by Marie T. Russell explores the everyday miracles that occur when we are open to receiving them, underscoring a profound message about the power of positivity and expectations.
We live in diabocal times. The word diabolical truly fits; it comes from the Greek diabállein (to set at variance, to set against). We really do live in times when what used to be ordered is jumbled, contentious, confused, and chaotic. It is happening at all levels...
The more I looked into the subject of life’s capacity to heal and renew after divisive setbacks, the deeper and wider my view had to grow. This discovery took me through regions of knowledge I knew nothing about—yet. I had to explore them.
I interviewed over two hundred people in more than 100 organizations. I ended almost every interview with the question: "It's easy to see what's wrong with the world today... So, I'd like to ask you to mention what you see as the three positive trends in the world - in any field."
Thorough and careful thinking pays off. The concept was ingrained in me from childhood through my career with NASA.
Labels are not only misleading, but they can also define us in a way that is not beneficial for us to be defined.
Do you ever wonder if you are living your best life? Do you question if you are truly happy? Do you feel stuck and unsure about how to move forward? If any of these questions resonate, wow, do I have a story for you....
The way we talk to ourselves matters as it also affects how we feel about ourselves. If we constantly have negative self-talk, our brains will start to believe those negative thoughts and affect our actions and emotions in a negative way...
- By Sally Patton
We can co-create a world in which all children are safe, loved, honored, nourished and embraced. In so doing we co-create a world of love and well-being for everyone. We do not walk away. We go inward first to forgive and love ourselves, so that we can forgive and love the outer world.
Living in peaceful unity seems like an ideal because who has not occasionally strayed from that to experience worries, anxiety, uninhibited thoughts, overwhelming feelings, and seeing no way out of difficult circumstances?
I didn’t know, for a very long time, that I could change my focus and create a new and empowering energy flow. You possess the same ability.
"Happy New Year!" What if we meant it this year, that we really intended to make 2024 a happy new year and that we did something to make that happen, rather than just mouthing empty words?
One of the most underrated superpowers most of us don’t even realize we have is the ability to manifest our desires into reality by setting intentions.
When some people hear the word “karma,” they associate a negative connotation. But everything we do either causes a negative or positive effect. It’s as simple as that.
As human beings, our very first experience in life is separation from our biological mother, the source of life itself and this creates the context for our entire reality...
Maui exists as a special place for millions of people all over the world, from those who revere it as one of the world’s sacred sites to tourists who come to reboot their lives.
- By Marc Lesser
We are at a crucial tipping point in our workplaces, our families, our society, and our planet. There is a tremendous need to find clarity: in our thinking, feelings, goals, actions, relationships, and results.
- By Tom Hanks
In a memorable commencement address at Harvard University, renowned actor Tom Hanks urges graduates to uphold the values of truth, justice, and the American Way.
Change can be an opportunity for growth and reinvention, but it requires courage and a willingness to take risks.
There is general consensus that the problems of postindustrial civilization are real. Through the years I’ve come to the realization that the problems are not only real, but that they are also severe...