This article explores "Practicing Financial Mindfulness" and the "Benefits of Financial Mindfulness," highlighting how being mindful about finances leads to improved decision-making and reduced stress. It details how financial mindfulness helps individuals face financial decisions without emotional overwhelm, potentially improving credit scores and investment strategies. The piece also offers practical steps for cultivating financial awareness and acceptance, crucial for anyone looking to navigate their financial journey with clarity and peace.
Think you’ll never retire? Here are four things young people can do to prepare
If you have money anxiety, knowing your financial attachment style can help...
It’s easy to blame money for all the world’s problems, at least greed for money. Pick any problem and we can usually “follow the money” to discover what’s causing it.
Our planet can be a heavenly place. If we treat it with respect, and if we come together in harmony, we could create a loving vibration that would sustain us into a future of love, light, happiness, and fulfillment.
What are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ debts, and which should I pay off first?
Could you cope with a shock to your bank balance? 5 ways to check you are financially resilient
The urge to spend money is present all year round, but during the gift-giving season, the temptation to splurge on loved ones can be particularly strong.
With the Bank of England base rate currently the highest it has been since early 2008, you may have a valuable opportunity to increase your earnings on pensions, investments and savings accounts.
The cost of living crisis has left many people struggling to afford basic necessities such as food and heating for their homes.
New research has identified five distinct money personalities that can help explain how different people manage their money.
Entrepreneurs have a key role to play in achieving the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This action plan, which has been adopted by all UN member countries, including Canada, was created to tackle today’s “most pressing social, economic and environmental challenges.”
How do credit scores work? 2 finance professors explain how lenders choose who gets loans and at what interest rate
If you have had a strained relationship with money in the past, this is an incredible opportunity for you to close out that tired old story and begin imagining what life looks and feels like when that money relationship is repaired and good to go.
- By Peyman Khezr
Buying a home is likely to be the biggest financial transaction you will ever make, and you’re at a distinct disadvantage.
With households having less to spend, they need to prioritize, and stark choices have to be made. For some, these decisions are extreme.
The concept of work-life balance has morphed and evolved over the approximately forty years it has been with us. Each generational wave has ushered in a new take on how work best fits into life...
Once you learn to use money rightly, you will find gains on many levels. Your abundance, energy, joy — all will expand. I had an interesting experience, many years ago. I undertook what was, for me, an important project. It meant money worries I'd never had...
For many people, abundance and prosperity are tied to their level of self-esteem. You make a good living, pay your bills and save money, so you feel successful. I define success in a different light. Success can be measured only by the degree to which you have inner peace and if...
- By Alan Cohen
I was famished. I had not eaten for many hours . I began to feel anxious about not being able to get anything to eat until the next day. Somehow, I reasoned, I would be taken care of; even if I had to go without food for a while, my heart was full. I surrendered my sense of struggle and remembered...
Prosperity has had only one connotation for too long -- money. The subject of money has a powerful emotional charge, equivalent to the subject of sex. Yet, we will usually talk about it only like the weather -- in general economic terms.
Tax Day has come and gone, and you think you filed your return in the nick of time. But several weeks later you receive that dreaded letter in the mail from the Internal Revenue Service
It is true that money should never be used as the only yardstick for accomplishment, but it is useless to pretend that is not so. That may change in the future, but for the now, money is the measure to be used as an exchange of energy. As always, the end result to strive for is balance...